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Switching to Hyprland, is it worth it?

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    Ayden Jahola
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I've been using Arch Linux for a while now, and I've been pretty happy with it. I love the rolling release model, the AUR, and the flexibility it offers. However, I've been hearing a lot about Hyprland lately, and I've been curious to try it out. I've heard that it's fast, stable. I decided to give it a shot and see if it's worth switching to.


I'm a lazy person, so I didn't want to go through the hassle of installing Hyprland from scratch. I asked a friend for his Dotfiles, which made the installation process a breeze. I just had to tweak a few things to fit my system, and my likings and I was good to go. The installation process was smooth, and I didn't run into any issues (mostly cause I used someone else's dotfiles).

But I wanted more

so I care alot about aesthetics so I wanted to make my system look good, so I researched the internet for inspirations and ideas until I found Hyprdots. Hyprdots is a collection of dotfiles, scripts, and themes that make Hyprland look amazing. Hyprdots is all about Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland.

Installing Hyprdots

Installing Hyprdots is super easy, all you have to do is clone the repository and run the install script. The install script will prompt you to choose which components you want to install, and it will take care of the rest. I chose to install everything, and I was blown away by how good my system looked after the installation.

Hyprdots Configuration

Hyprdots comes with a ton of configuration options, so you can tweak your system to look exactly how you want. I spent a few hours playing around with the settings, and I was able to create a setup that I'm really happy with. I love how clean and minimal my system looks now!

Hyprdots comes with a bunch of custom keybindings that make it easy to navigate your system. although thier default keybindings are super good, but I'm used to my own keybindings so I had to change them to fit my likings. my full Dotfiles can be found here.

Showcasing my setup

this is how my setup looks like now:


I've been using Hyprland for a few weeks now, and I'm really happy with it. It's fast, stable, and it looks amazing. I'm glad I made the switch, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who's looking for a new Linux distribution to try out. If you're interested in trying out Hyprland, I would highly recommend checking out Hyprdots.
